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Organic solvent in a sentence

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Sentence count:68Posted:2018-11-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: organicsorganicinorganicsolventorganicallyorganic lawresolventinsolvent
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31. Cuminum cyminum L. is served as spices and used for medical purpose, but there haven't reported the research of antioxidant activities of extracts from Cuminum cyminum L. by organic solvent.
32. This paper presents a recoverer used for low and high concentration organic solvent vapor.
33. As the one of the preferred embodiment, the method uses hog still to remove water and aromatic hydrocarbon organic solvent azeotropy generated in the dehydration reaction.
34. In this paper, organic solvent extracted from the red pepper Capsanthin studied.
35. The solubility of animal oil is smaller than the solubilities of vegetable oil in the organic solvent.
36. Colorless transparent liquid, inflammable volatile organic solvent and most immiscible, with good solubility.
37. Methods DECB was treated with heat, acid, alkali, baking, organic solvent extracting, micro-organism zymolysis, and then the method of microrespiromete was used to test the respiratory activity.
38. Objective: To established a GC method with FID detector for determination of residual organic solvent dichloromethane, trichloroethylene, trichloromethane,[] dioxane in Ranitidine hydrochloride capsule.
39. RESULTS Adding polar organic solvent in inner phase improved the loading efficiency of tranilast in microspheres, meanwhile reduce microsphere diameter greatly.
40. At last we got coarse alkaloids after concentration. Then we refined it through acid dissolution alkalization and extraction by organic solvent.
41. To extract the alkaloids with acidic solution and organic solvent, and to isolate tetrandrine and fanchineline with column chromatograph and thick-layer chromatograph.
42. There were not n-hexane, benzene, toluene and xylene, o-xylene, styrene and other organic solvent residue in the purification of apple polyphenol by the headspace gas chromatograph.
43. By suitable choice of polytlend composition, a PAC polyblend fibre can be obtained with good water-retention properties using an organic solvent by wet spinning method.
44. With certain addition agent in a polar organic solvent, the crystal linear HMW PPS was synthesised from sodium sulfide and p-dichlorobenzene.
45. Ether is the best solvent in the three organic solvent.
46. The technology on extraction of Tenebrio molitor oil by organic solvent method was investigated in this paper.
47. The second polyimide polymer is prepared with aromatic tetracid dihydride and aromatic diisocyanate and through a one-step condensation reaction in organic solvent and under the action of catalyst.
48. The reaction mechanism of purifying WPA by ethyl alcohol as organic solvent is sought.
49. This synthetic strategy compared with traditional solution protocol has advantages of no organic solvent pollution, elevating reaction rate, high yield and simple work-up procedure.
50. CONCLUSIONS:The method is simple, accurate, and suitable for the determination of organic solvent residual volume in fusidic acid.
51. Dimethylformamide(DMF)is widely used in leather industry, polyacrylonitrile fibre spinning and butadiene extraction craft as an important organic solvent.
52. Beans are steamed, so that dissolved caffeine rises to the surface, where it is washed off using an organic solvent called methylene chloride.
53. The type of organic solvent has considerable effect on the reaction, and the effect is mainly decided by the ability of the solvent to stabilize the phenoxy radical formed in the reaction.
54. The unrefined Veratryl alcohol extracted from fresh grape peel by organic solvent could significantly enhance Lip activity.
55. Therefore, polyhydromethylsilane in organic solvent had good extensibility and good solubility.
56. The former was shortage which consumed more organic solvent, extracted easily emulsify and foreign material were removed mis-classificated , such as saccharum and colorant .
57. Preferably, the antigenicity-reducing component is an extract of an Olea or a Ligustrum plant extracted with water or an organic solvent.
58. OBJECTIVE Found a method to determine the organic solvent residue in spectinomycin sulphate.
59. The starch-polyacrylonitrile grafting copolymers with water absorbility were prepared by one step synthesis in several aqueous organic solvent systems using ceric ammonium nitrate as the initiator.
60. Optically active ethyl(S)-3-hydroxybutyrate, a useful chiral synthon, was prepared by stereoselective reduction of ethyl acetoacetate of the bread yeast in organic solvent.
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